Sofia streamlines marketing workflows, creating smarter, more intuitive campaigns that deliver results. Powered by human ingenuity, enhanced by AI, and focused on performance.
Book a DemoIntegrate seamlessly across your campaign engagement layers to help users connect with your products while enjoying their favorite online content. We bring your brand closer to people, enabling meaningful engagement anytime, anywhere.
Sofia's Gen AI ensures that your campaigns are not just managed but optimized for maximum effectiveness.
Our product architecture, powered by Gen AI, doesn’t just create content; it builds intelligent, adaptive experiences that resonate with users.
Whether you’re targeting Display, OLV, Native, or CTV, Sofia's Gen AI-driven platform powers it all with precision and creativity.
Pick from a wide range of engagement features based on your goals and start engaging instantly on top premium publishers
Launch high-impact campaigns quickly using AI-powered tools designed for speed and efficiency.
Manage all your creative assets and campaigns in one intuitive, centralized platform.
Receive personalized support from start to finish for a seamless, worry-free experience.
Focused on maximizing performance and delivering measurable outcomes.
We are constantly designing and building innovative products that engage people at a deeper level while giving marketers tools to simplify their workflow
Book a DemoEngage 5 to 12 times more than industry average.
Launch campaigns 3 times faster
Maximize user attention
Always glad to hear about your goals. Let’s connect!